The iPod shuffle. Colored.

Posted: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 | |

A couple of hours ago, rumors were whizzing across the tubes we call the interweb that Apple was going to release something new that's iPod related and something to do with colors.

Then the US Apple store was down.

When it came back up, Apple fans were greeted by colored iPod shuffles that were serious eyecandies. The iPod shuffle now comes in pink, green, orange, blue, and the original color, silver.

When I visited the online US Apple store I was greeted with these fancy eyecandies. My first impressions with the new colors were:

  • the pink is flashy;
  • the green is cool;
  • the orange is simply yummy;
  • the blue is well, blue and;
  • the silver is classic.
My friend described the pink as chic and very sweet, while the green is adorable. It was a few months ago that she was considering in buying an iPod shuffle but I sort of talked her out of it since she really didn't have any compelling reason to get one. Now, however, she's planning to do morning walks and has started playing badminton. She thinks these are good enough reasons. Yeah, right.

She's now torn between pink and green, and she wants one now!

I admit that the colored shuffles are really nice. I find the orange to be the most compelling. It sounds good and might actually taste better. I won't be getting a shuffle though. I can't justify getting one. My iPod nano Red is light and small enough that I take it everywhere with me. So portability is not an excuse. My nano holds 4 times as much as the shuffle can, so space cannot be used as an excuse. So if I ever will get a shuffle, it will be just because of technolust. So for me, the shuffle will just be a frivolous expense.

But the orange looks so yummy.