Random thoughts on the iPhone

Posted: Monday, January 22, 2007 | |

Things I've thought about while in the shower.

  • June is still a few months away. Apple might not release a 4GB or 8GB iPhone. Rather, they'll have 8GB and 16GB models at $499 and $599, respectively.
  • I wonder why people are downplaying the iPhone's (or for that matter, the iPod's) feature as a photo album. Are pictures so ubiquitous that we just are numb to the idea a device can show them?
  • The full screen iPod with multitouch screen is coming.
  • As I have heard from the MyMac Podcast the iPod is on its way out. The iPhone will take over but the iPod still has some 3 to 5 years left in it. I'm just wondering what will replace the iPod nano. The iPhone lite? The iPhone nano?
  • A 32GB or 64GB iPhone will debut at the beginning of 2009 as solid state memory becomes cheaper. The deal breaker here is that battery technology is simply not catching up with the rest of the electronic world.
  • Bluetooth will free the iPhone of wires, that is, if battery technology improves in the next year or so.
  • Smudges will be the thing of the past in the next 5 years as new screen material technology does self cleaning or perhaps resistant to oil and grime from our fingers.

Those are my thoughts for the week.