The iPhone doesn't have something like Word or Excel? Don't need it.

Posted: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | |

When the iPhone was first introduced last January during MWSF 2007, people started comparing it to other "smart" phones. What no 3G? That's a bad move. Just 2.0 megapixel? Pffft! Can't choose your own apps? My Treo is better than that!

People are predicting that the iPhone will be a flop because it's a closed system. It's not like the Palm OS or Symbian-based smartphones where you can install any application you want, like word processors or spreadsheets. There are Word or Excel-like programs for both Palm and Sybian devices.

But why would the iPhone need a Word or Excel-like program? It doesn't need it. Why? Because of Google. Remember that last MWSF 2007 Google's CEO was brought on stage to sing praises to the iPhone? What was that all about? Can you say Google Documents and Spreadsheets? Yes, boys and girls. Why install a word processor and spreadsheet application when it's just an internet away. Granted that you would need an internet connection to view your documents or spreadsheets but Apple is thinking of the day where internet connection is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe. Let Yahoo! provide the mail, while Google provides the office suite. Sweet. But why not use Google mail? Because Google is not able to provide what Yahoo can. It can be possible in the near future but Jobs wants to have it now!

So there you have it. Stop griping about what's not there. Instead, think about what could very well change the way we use documents and spreadsheets. Maybe pretty soon, presentations.